Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday Roundup

There was no homework today so here is a quick recap of the day:

Science - we talked about the last simple machine: screws. A screw is a inclined plane wrapped around a core.

Personal Planning: We made something of a plan for our video and assigned roles to everyone. We spent a good amount of time working on the various parts that will be included in the video.

Math: We took up the homework that had been assigned last night on measuring the distance around a circular object.

Socials: We discussed yesterdays lesson about the parts of a buffalo and used that as a starting point to look at wasting and why it's important not to waste. We started an activity where we're taking an everyday object and trying to figure out how we could reuse that object in another way. Next class we will work with a larger object with many parts and the students will prepare a report about how they would use that object's parts.

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